LIFVSLEDA – “Evangelii hä​rold” album review – NOEVDIA – April 2024 AB

I don’t know if this has been done deliberately or it’s just pure coincidence, but it seems to me that Lifvsleda has made a habit of releasing an album every two years, which is an absolute joy for guys like me, who truly love this band.

Lifvsleda is one of my favorite bands out there when it comes to pure, traditional black metal, played the way it should be, which is not by copying or emulating something that has already been done. Even though they formed quite recently, the materials they released so far have that powerful feeling of “old” and of authenticity, something that many bands in today’s scene lack completely. After 2 LPs and a couple of EPs, Lifvsleda are back again with their 3rd record, “Evangelii hä​rold“, which will be released on Walpurgisnacht (30th of April) via the French cult label Norma Evangelium Diaboli.

With a total of 8 tracks, “Evangelii hä​rold” follows closely in the shadow of its predecessor, “Sepulkral Dedikation” (released in 2022), but is definitely a step forward in the band’s development. I wouldn’t call it “progress” (fuck, I hate that word), but rather a confirmation of the band’s trademark, because in such a short time they have created and developed their own sound and style, which makes them instantly recognizable. Deeply rooted in the 90’s from which they have emerged, the members of Lifvlseda knew how to transform and how to make “new” music while still keeping that old flame alive.

The music on “Evangelii hä​rold” is the best Lifvsleda has released so far, Death Worship in its purest sonic form. All the elements from their previous works are present here, only that now they’ve been taken to a new level of rawness and aggression and why not, melody. Sigward delivers one of the best vocal performances I’ve heard recently, his raspy voice sounds more tormented than ever, as if he’s truly burned and consumed by the words and the screams that come out of his throat. At the same time, the dissonant guitars, despite their abrasive sound, follow a subtle yet melodic line which is highlighted by the intense and melancholic riffs and solos (ex. “Det Perfekta Sinnet“, or Griftefärd).

Evangelii hä​rold” is not an album built exclusively on speed and viciousness. The musicians were careful not to neglect the slower and atmospheric parts either, which, when skillfully combined with the furious blast beats and piercing riffs, make the songs even heavier and more oppressive (ex. “Sönderfall” or “Trämålningen“). This record is a powerful collection of tempos, riffs and sounds which build a menacing and a mournful atmosphere, putting you, the listener, in various states of mind all throughout its 40 minutes.

Funeral Mist comes to mind a bit when listening to “Evangelii hä​rold” and Lifvsleda‘s music, probably because of the morbid atmosphere, tortured vocals and total devotion, but where the former delves in total Devil Worship, the latter is deeply immersed in Death Worship. Just look at the fantastic album cover, simple yet so powerful, with its medieval funeral aesthetic and you’ll get my point.

Even since its debut EP, “Manifesto MMXIX“, it was clear that Death was, is and will always be Lifvsleda‘s guide and inspiration, highlighted by the band’s logo, the record covers, the song titles and the lyrics. I see “Evangelii hä​rold” like a funeral march to the graveyard, with each of its songs a station on the way to the final place of worship, where The Absolute Death, The Holy Death awaits in all its glory and majesty, as it’s best reflected in the last 2 tracks of the album, “Absolut Död” and “Helige Död“, which basically represent the quintessence of the whole “Evangelii hä​rold” record.

I don’t want to sound pretentious, but I truly think that “Evangelii hä​rold“, (as well as Lifvsleda‘s music, in fact) is not for everyone to listen and to understand. This music comes not from 2024, but from a distant, nostalgic past, when black metal was not plastic and had a deeper and dangerous meaning. Everything Lifvsleda has created and released so far is imbued with this spirit, so if you don’t get it, just don’t bother listening to it.

LIFVSLEDA – “Evangelii hä​roldTracklist:

1. Det Perfekta Sinnet

    2. Sönderfall

    3. Evangelii hä​rold

    4. Griftefärd

    5. Trämålningen

    6. Bland Likbodar Och Vintergrafvar

    7. Absolut Död

    8. Helige Död

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